FloridAgriculture - the voice of agriculture in Florida

Media Kit : Rate Card

FloridAgriculture is published by Florida Farm Bureau Federation, the largest agricultural organization in Florida. Farm Bureau active members produce citrus, vegetables, livestock, row crops, forest products, horticultural products, poultry, ornamentals, sugarcane and a host of specialized agricultural products. Associate members come from agricultural support industries, farm-related families and those interested in agriculture.

The editorial goal of FloridAgriculture is to educate and inform readers about agriculture in Florida and build public support for the industry. The magazine supports the continued economic viability of Florida farmers.

For more information contact:
Amanda Overstreet
(352) 374-1535

Advertising Rates
Effective June 12, 2019

                                                    1-2x                           3-5x                             6-8x

Full Spread                                  $7,235                        $6,870                         $6,490
Full Page                                     $4,014                        $3,820                          $3,625
1/2 Page                                     $2,227                        $2,126                          $2,025
1/3 Page                                     $1,650                        $1,600                          $1,524
1/4 Page                                     $1,125                        $1,074                          $1,022
1/8 Page                                     $600                           $560                             $520
Col. In.                                        $91                              $87                              $82


2019-2020 Rates & Deadlines

JULY 2019
Ad space confirmation: May 31
Ad space materials due: June 7
Mailing date: June 28

Ad space confirmation: July 8
Ad space materials due: July 15
Mailing date: August 2

Ad space confirmation: September 9
Ad space materials due: September 13
Mailing date: October 3

Ad space confirmation: October 7
Ad space materials due: October 11
Mailing date: November 8

Ad space confirmation: December 9
Ad space materials due: December 13
Mailing date: January 15

MARCH 2020
Ad space confirmation: January 27
Ad space materials due: January 31
Mailing date: February 28

Ad space confirmation: March 2
Ad space materials due: March 6
Mailing date: April 6

JUNE 2020
Ad space confirmation: April 27
Ad space materials due: May 1
Mailing date: June 2


FloridAgriculture is Florida Farm Bureau's monthly magazine. It is mailed to all 146,000-plus of our member-families! $3.00 of each members annual dues goes toward the cost of publishing this magazine.